Did anyone missed us while we were gone?!?
We went on a road trip AGAIN....
13 December '06 till 21 December '06
BUT, the sad news was.... We didn't take much pictures,
as mummy's camera decided that it came his time to retire!!
(that darn camera broke down on us in the beginning of the trip!!
lucky, we had mummy's sony ericcson phone camera
(k800i) to "tong" for the rest of the trip.)
Sigh... so i guess this blog will be picture-less for quite sometime...
till we get a good deal and a perfect camera!!
We picked up grandma from JB,
and poor daddy had to drive 6 hours all the way to Ipoh....
Despite the temptation of all the sleepyheads sleeping in the passenger seats....
Daddy drove on and on till we reach Ipoh.....
Daddy, you beri tok gong leh!!
A CUT ABOVE THE RESTApart from eating, and eating and eating those fabulous food found in Ipoh,
One other thing you have to do is to have a haircut!!
NO KIDDING!! That is always on daddy's TO DO list in Ipoh.....
We visited daddy's favourite hairstylist Andrew Ong....
As usual, Andrew gave daddy a GREAT leng chai haircut.....
Mummy thought that it is about time for my haircut as well....
as everyone on the streets refered me as jie jie or mei mei,
despite mummy's great effort to dress me in BLUE coloured clothings and PANTS!!
BUT, since my previous 3 haircut were terrible experiences for me.....
it gave mummy the jitters to put on the GREEN light for another haircut.....
Finally, mummy gave Uncle Andrew the go ahead to make me
a handsome boy i once was
from my messy, untidy long hair....
Uncle Andrew asked" Do you prefer layering or crew cut?!?"
"Layering!!" my mummy exclaimed, "We can save all the crew cut for army!!"
You wanna know how it went?!?
I was chuckling throughout the haircut...
And now I look as charming as daddy....
Thumbs up Uncle Andrew!!