Monday, August 28, 2006
Up and Coming.....
You know what?!?
Finally, all the fussing and food refusing
has got a good reason to blame on!!
My 4th tooth!! My upper front left tooth is finally showing....
Erm... mummy, what say you?!?
Can I share your bread next tme we go to Cafe Cartel?!?
Sunday, August 20, 2006
AquaQuacks (opps AquaDucks i mean.....)

That's me and Malcom gor gor sharing a special moment threading water and chatting by the poolside..... (*ahem* we are actually hanging on for dear life! Come and get me mum!!) .....
We were at Aquaducks (Suntec City), this trial programme is organised by one of mummy's friend; Auntie Momoko from
I had fun swooshing around with all my little friends.....
I am already looking forward to my next pool trip.....
*ahem* Any pretty gals care to join me in the pool?!?
Thank you for organising Auntie Momoko.....

Friday, August 18, 2006
Nine Joyful Months.....

Just kidding....
This is a street busker from Peru
(South America),
Album name: Music from Andes
performing at Orchard Road.... They played songs that sound so heavenly that makes you feel that you are on cloud nine....
And by coincidence,
I am finally 9 months old today.....
My Milestone:
(1) My upper right front tooth is finally cutting!! It's still very shy.... can feel but cannot see.... Silly mummy get all excited just by feeling my new tooth.... (",)
(2) I am crawling faster now.... keeping mummy extremely BUSY... That might also explain mummy's frequent disappearance from updating this blog....
(3) I am starting to baby talk.... Nothing spectacular yet.... But, mummy is just glad that I am making some noise.... She calls it nagging!!
(4) I am trying to perfect my pincer gripe when I eat my Gerber Puffs... It's an great accomplishment when I get these small little crackers in my mouth...
(5) I can hold my own bottle.... YahOOOoooOooOOoo... a BIG boy eh?!?
(6) I can drink from a sippy cup.... But, I prefer to BITE it....
(7) I can drink from a straw.... But, I prefer to BITE it as well...
Well, that's pretty much in a month.... I am looking forward to learn more new stuffs....
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Another 'hiro' to keep mummy BUSY 6.....
He has chosen the theme of Jurong Bird Park to scrap.... Chose the pictures, papers on his own and designed everything on his own..... He was very creative and intelligent.... and mummy was so proud of his creation....
Mummy got a frame for his creation, hoping to preserve all those wonderful memories he had in Singapore....
We hope that you have as much FUN as we had showing you around.....
15 aug'06: Going home to japan
Another 'hiro' to keep mummy BUSY 5.....
Daddy let Yasuhiro gor gor try playing pool when we were at SIA sports Club.... Then he soon got addicted to the game.... When mummy ask him where he wanted he go for the day, he said in plain simple english, with a japanese accent "play pool"
So mummy bo bian bring him to fusion pool 2 at Bugis near "This Fashion" boutique..... We played for 2 hours, Yasuhiro gor gor started off as a terrible player.... But, after 2 hours of practice.... he got it! What a FAST learner! Way to go man!!
Then mummy let Yasuhiro gor gor go on a trishaw ride.... It was how people get about in Singapore in the olden days.... Mummy let Yasuhiro gor gor go on the ride on his own.... The trishaw rider bought Yasuhiro gor gor to a temple.... *smile* Dunno how they communicate hor....?
Another 'hiro' to keep mummy BUSY 4.....
Today was a tough day.... Papa went to work today.... So it leaves only mummy struggling on her own to bring me and Yasuhiro gor gor out to Jurong Bird Park. I was giving mummy a hard time as I was fussing non-stop and I refused to sit still in my pram..... Hey, what do you expect?!? I'm teething!! I'm suppose to behave in this manner.... it's on the books!! My upper right front tooth is coming out soon.... I am a grouch.... Dun you ka jiao (bother in malay) me.... I'll BITE!!
Another hot day, but, we felt so proud of ourselves.... We completed the Bird Park trail on FOOT!! We managed to catch 2 shows.... All star Bird Show and Birds of Prey show..... They were both very interesting.... and very well presented..... At the end of the day, we took the panorail for a nice overview of the Jurong Bird Park..... Poor mummy had backache after that....
That is Yasuhiro gor gor with an owl; Rocky..... So steady-bom-pi-pi hor...... Mummy when I grow up I also want to take pictures like Yasuhiro gor gor.... This picture was taken at the Birds of Prey show.... Impressive isn't it??
Another 'hiro' to keep mummy BUSY 3.....
It was a rest & relax day in the morning.... We enjoyed ourselves soaking up in the pool at SIA Sports Club.... It was free and easy. I had fun.... Mummy and Daddy brought my rubber duckie travel bathtub (by Munchkin) and use it as a floatation device.... (how innovative!!) Papa tried to teach me how to use my hands and legs to swim in the adult pool.... I feel so much like a BIG BOY.... There was a pool with lotsa bubbles, the adults seems to enjoy it and say that it is a Jacuzzi.... whatever it was.... i had fun splashing in it.... We all had FUN in the baby pool as well.... Yasuhiro gor gor and Daddy (daddy was carrying me) played on the slide in the baby pool... So, how was water play in my baby world? Had as much fun as I did?
Night Safari: Then later in the night we went to the Night Safari..... At the entrance, we were greeted by "Orang Asli" dancers doing Aboriginal Dance with fires & flames! Luckily they didn't danced too near, otherwise I'll become like siau bak!... It was so captivating that clumsy mummy lost a ticket while watching the show.... Luckily, we got help from the manager, so dun need to buy another extra ticket!! Daddy next time dun let mummy take the ticket lah... She so "lun Zun" (clumsy in cantonese) We took the tram around the safari.... Mummy and Daddy could not understand much from the ride as the explanation was in Japanese..... But, Yasuhiro gor gor seems to be enjoying himself....
Next up, was the presentation show.... It was truly entertaining! *thumbs up* Cannot miss this one as well.... This is Yasuhiro gor gor taking picture with the show host; Sue..... Look at how Yasuhiro gor gor is smiling when taking picture with a pretty host... *ahem*
Then Yasuhiro gor gor and daddy proceeded to walk the trails in the safari..... Where was mummy?!? Enjoying herself at the restaurant drinking coca-cola!!
It was a educational night out.....
Another 'hiro' to keep mummy BUSY 2.....
That is Yasuhiro gor gor with a terracota figure in Chinatown.... Who more handsome arr?!? Yasuhiro gor gor or terracota?!?
Another 'hiro' to keep mummy BUSY.....
Just wondering if anyone miss her nonsense blogging.....
(",) Well, we didn't went *POOF* missing....
We went missing for a good reason.....
*ahem* My 13yr old cousin from Japan came to visit....
Yasuhiro is Papa's cousin's son....
(complicated hor....)
Yeah!! Another gor gor to play with.....
So this was what we have been doing for the past 1 week:
08 aug '06: Yasuhiro gor gor arrives.....
09 aug '06: Sentosa
It was National Day.... Instead of staying at home to watch the National Day parade on television to avoid all the mad crowd the holiday might bring.... We did the most UNTHINKABLE.... We went to Sentosa!! Well, it was really crowded, but, we had fun.....
We sat in tiny small cubicle threaded on a thick metal wire suspended high high up in the sky..... Mummy said that those were cable car..... The view was breath-taking.... The height that we were travelling on made yasuhiro gor gor a little nervous.... Who wouldn't be?!?
We went to:
1) Underwater World- This is the coolest place on earth!! MUST GO!! It's really tough to explain in words the experience you'll be getting from this place!!
2) Pink Dophin Lagoon- Watching dophins do intelligent tricks makes me want to do them as well... The only minus point was it was so HOT under the sun!!
3) Beach- I did not get to swim in the sea as I was sleeping.... Yasuhiro gor gor had a jolly good time swimming in the sea..... Yasuhiro gor gor, how was the water?!?
4) Musical Fountain- I was fussing like mad before the show start... How can these adults stayed so composed when it is so darn HOT and STICKY..... BUT, when the show started, I soon forgot all my discomfort and was mesmerised by the fountain and laser show..... It's brilliant, another MUST GO!!