Finally, it's the time of the year....
A time to re-evaluate ourselves as CITIZEN of Singapore....
Time to ask....
What have you CONTRIBUTED to being a Singaporean!
3 years has passed since my decision.....
to stay at home and nurture my kids,
aka the "future generations of SINGAPORE"......
Alright, I admit it! I'm not that noble lah!
I resigned after doing some calculations AND
I don't see any point in working!
Plying between Orchard & Punggol in a packed MRT
was tedious & tiring.
Imagine having to do it every single day!
- And it ain't cheap having your lunch & dinner downtown -
for a FREAKING SALARY of only $1500! It just doesn't make $ense
On top of that,
INFANT CARE expenses is almost an extortion!!
I really cannot understand how feeding, cleaning,
and bouncing the baby on the bouncer whole day
can cost SO MUCH!!
You don't need a calculator to do the sums.....
The answers were all there, staring blankly at me!
I am just thankful that I have a very supportive husband,
that supports whatever decisions I've made!
SO, after deciding to resign, what's next?!?
Friends started to envy me thinking my life must be damn shiok!
No need to work....just stay at home and shake leg,
and hubby bring back money for me to SPEND!!
`Stay-at-Home Moms'....
I call myself a `Stay-at-Home Maid'!
I serve master, young master, and little missy!
Not to mention the dreaded household chores!
My friends usually laugh it off and thought I was joking
The problem is I AM NOT!!
My work hours knows no boundaries,
I started work from the wee mornings till late hours at night
performing my duties diligently without complain or fuss....
(*okay lah.... sometimes grumble a bit lah....
I am HUMAN afterall....
made from flesh and blood!!*)
and when the kids are not feeling well...
my shift is from midnight to midnight!
Even I'm starting to envy our next door maria's life!
At least she is protected by labour law!
(God, there's even some `brilliant'
but despicable people out there
who wrote to voice their disapproval about
Stay-at-Home Moms
getting some relief from the government!
It's a waste of taxpayer money they said.
How on earth can someone be so self centred?
How about those with autistic kids or Down Syndrome?
Spared any thoughts or concern for them?

Would that `brilliant' someone even consider such situations
or other difficulties
that Stay-At-Home Moms are facing
before they open their big mouth?
Does it hurt to keep quiet?? )
I used to be very proud of Singapore,
I remembered clearly that during my school days...
I was one of those who would recite the pledge with PRIDE...
and sang the national anthem loudly....
EVEN up to secondary school!!
I could have swore no one else was doing that....
coz it is just so NOT COOL!
(I was one of those Gundu Samy brainwashed students!!)
BUT, today,
I am sad to say that my pride of being a Singaporean
took a DOWNTURN.
Many things had happened that changed my perception....
Maybe it is how my once beloved Singapore
evolved to be more developed.....
People call it progress....
I think Singaporeans have become
more self centered and less compassionate
At times I just don't feel the warmth & friendly gestures anymore!
I tried to instill good values in my kids,
-Like holding the lift for some uncles or aunties
RUNNING to catch the lift....
(some people will just SHUT the lift on you!)
-thanking people who held the lifts for us....
(I hate it when people just walk off
without showing any sense of appreciation.
Was I invisible? Was I a lift attendant?)
-waiting for people to alight from the train first...
(and we were always left behind
when those behind us started to RUSH into the train)
-greeting people and saying good bye to everyone he sees,
from Bangladeshi workers to those with disabilities!
Sometimes I wonder if I continue to instill such values,
will my kids lose out in this competitive land known as Singapore?
is where other Singaporeans
would just push, grab, and shove to get what they want!
Singaporeans are being programmed
to be Kiasu, Kiasi, Kia Lau Kui.....
by our beloved government
in the name of progress & being competitive.
What's the point of slogans & campaigns
on being a gracious & compassionate society?
To be gracious, to be compassionate....
will our government
take the first step & lead by example?...
instead of NATO (No Action Talk Only)
I opt for a more gracious and compassionate society....
what about you?!?