Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ask and you shall Receive, Plead and you shall Get...... *pun intended*

Thank you God.
Thank you for hearing a desperate mother's plead.

I swear this IS the BEST news for the week!
Hiroshi has found himself a school
and no stressful balloting is required!

Like in my earlier posting,
I said that the number of applicants exceeded the number of seats available
by 3 applicants.
85 applicants vs 82 seats.
So I expected the school to proceed on with balloting.
But however, then number of pupils
staying within 1km or between 1-2km is 准准 82.
So the rest that are outside 2km is rejected.

I am sure Hiroshi would be equally as excited 
to know that he has gotten into Horizon Primary School,
since several of his best buddies would also be attending the same school.

Thank you God.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.

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