Thursday, May 20, 2010

Romeo in Disguise

I think every girl's definition of romance varies at different point of their lives.....

when you are 5,
romance is having prince charming sweep you off your feet,
ride you back to his castle on his sturdy white horse,
and live happily ever after....

when you are in your teens,
romance means whispering sweet nothings
and sharing ONE cup of drink from Macdonalds...
(coz that's pretty much what you can afford!)

When you are a young working adult,
romance means candlelight dinners,
huge bouquet of flower,
chocolates ,
and pretty much anything you can think of!
(YES, even the stars!)

When you are someone's wife,
romance mean having kids together!

When you are someone's mother,
romance means buying the RIGHT gift for mother's day!

Thank you for the very thoughtful mother's day gift!

Oto e-Lux

*waves good bye to backaches*

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